Is summer over already? It seems like in the blink of an eye, the days of sun and fun at the lake were over and we were on a plane back to the mountains, ready for the new school year ahead. At the beginning of the summer, I put together the Summer Fun List as a way of making sure we were intentional with our time, and it turns out it was the best idea ever. Did we tick those boxes? You bet we did. Did it all turn out exactly as I pictured? No, no, it did not, but more on that later.

First, let’s talk about what went as planned!
There was homemade ice cream (Mint Chocolate Chip!)

And Root Beer Floats!

There was an outdoor concert, hiking, sleepovers and a midnight swim in the lake. We picked berries, had water gun fights and ate more S’mores than would be deemed reasonable by most rational people. We took more pictures of EVERYONE, not just the kids.
Did anything on the list not happen at all? Only one thing. We did not get to the rope swing, because the tree it hung from was damaged in a storm. That’s ok, maybe next year.
Did anything not go according to plan? Yes, there were a few things that didn’t work out as I imagined. Take for example the day we planned our picnic by canoe. The morning dawned bright and beautiful and so we packed the picnic and hauled the canoe down to the water. Then the skies turned dark and it rained….hard. And so we ate our picnic under the shelter of the gazebo, and the kids ran around and splashed in the rain. It turned out to be an unusual and fun event in its own right, and in the end we were just as happy with our afternoon. The purpose of the list was to make sure we were building adventures into the summer and making the most of our days. Whether or not things turned out exactly as planned wasn’t important at all. In fact, I may put “Picnic under the gazebo in the rain” on next summer’s list because it definitely met the definition of summer fun.