Are you a list maker? I’m a list maker. The act of writing something down (usually on paper, in careful cursive, because I’m 100 years old!) implies commitment to me. If I write it down, it will get done and then I’ll have the satisfaction of crossing it off my list. As I glanced at my long To Do list today, it dawned on me that I could easily fill my days this summer with tasks, work projects and chores. Before I know it, I’ll have missed out on the best of summer, and the whole reason I travelled across the country to spend July and August at the lake. Now, I know that’s life, and we all have endless lists of things that have to be done, but it got me thinking that I need to make a To Do List of another kind: a Summer Fun List! On this list you will not find any chores, or reminders to make appointments or lists of things that need to be picked up. You will only find activities that are fun, so that in between the chores of life, I’m intentionally making time to truly enjoy summer. Some things on the list are bigger and some are very simple, but come Labour Day all the items on this list will be checked off. I know this because if I write it down…it will get done! Get out the markers and paper (or make a note in your phone if you live in the current century) and make your own Summer Fun List! Let’s intentionally make time for fun, and make it our best summer yet!

- Go to an outdoor concert
- Hike a new trail
- Do yoga on the dock
- Pack a picnic to take on a canoe trip
- Host a campfire party with a S’Mores Buffet
- Take a road trip (with a great play list)
- Take more pictures with friends – not just pictures of the kids
- Go berry picking
- Make root beer floats
- Take a girls trip to the rope swing
- Sit on a busy patio in the city
- Make homemade ice cream
- Jump in the lake after dark
- Have a water gun fight
- Watch a movie under the stars
- Have a sleepover with girlfriends
- Go golfing
- Make fresh peach Bellinis and drink them on the dock
- Go on a double or triple date
Check back for updates as we cross things off the list, and add more things as we go! What’s on your list?